3D Detail – Wall members subjected to general load (BETA)

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Out-of-plane loaded walls present a common engineering challenge, which has led to the development of an improved version of CSFM that effectively addresses such scenarios.

IDEA StatiCa Detail (3D Beta) is a solution that may be applied to assessing and analyzing out-of-plane stressed walls and for models consisting of different wall thicknesses. The solution represents an ideal compromise between an accurate solution using nonlinear methods but still simple modeling and calculation time.


3D Detail is based on the verified and well-tested 2D Detail. It is still the same user environment, where most of the entities are kept to make working with the application as simple as possible.

The user can still model multiple wall elements using a template or import geometry from a .dxf file. In addition, in a 3D environment, they can set the wall eccentricity "ey" and also model walls with different thicknesses.

Reinforcement is defined in plane, similarly to 2D. However, there is an enhancement to define the position of the reinforcement layout over the wall thickness.

There is no possibility to define reinforcement perpendicular to the wall plane (stirrups).


The approach used in IDEA Statica Detail (3D Beta) is based on the proven compatible stress field method (CSFM), which is adapted specifically for solving 3D tasks.

A special mesh formulation is applied to the wall structure to decrease the calculation time. Also, an orthotropic concrete material for walls has tensile (shear) resistance in the direction perpendicular to the wall plane. This advancement allows the calculation of the wall model without shear reinforcement defined over the thickness.

This applies specifically to the solution for walls. For the footing solution, it is not possible to transfer the tension in the concrete, but all the tension is captured by the reinforcement (even in the transverse direction). If you are interested in the 3D Detail for the footing solution, continue to the separate release note article).


In the Results section, you will see three basic evaluations that are in line with the ULS criteria (ultimate limit state).

Stresses and strains related to concrete and reinforcement are defined in the section "Strength". The bond stresses and associated metrics are detailed in the "Anchorage" assessment. In addition, the non-linear deformation is provided under the "Auxiliary" checks.

We are giving you early access to this Beta version to try out for yourself while we continue putting it through its paces in our rigorous verification process. This is accessible to current users with the latest version and valid maintenance. If you fulfill the prerequisites, you can request free access by clicking the Beta Detail icon in the Connection app ribbon, which will take you to this landing page, where you complete the form and request to join the Beta program and get free access to 3D Detail.

Please be aware that the beta for the ACI code is currently unavailable.

Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.0.

Take the latest IDEA StatiCa for a test drive today