User Guide Connection

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Program requirements

Application requires .NET Framework 4.7 to be installed on the computer. It can be downloaded from web pages of Microsoft Company (

In case of a missing .NET Framework the installation is not launched.

Installation guidelines

IDEA Connection program is installed as a part of IDEA StatiCa package.

The items of user interface of the application are composed into following groups:

  • Ribbons – there are sets of controls.
  • Main window – 3D view of current joint is drawn in the Main window. List of joint members, list of load effects and list of manufacturing operations are displayed at the right edge of the Main window.
  • Properties / Data window – properties of current objects (member, load, manufacturing operation) and results of analysis are displayed in this window.
  • Context menu - contains commands appropriate for underlying object.
  • Status bar - displays important information about current settings.

3D view in the main window

3D view of current joint is drawn in the Main window.

Commands at the right top edge of Main window change the drawing mode of joint:

  • Solids – switch to draw all joint items as solids respecting the edges visibility.
  • Transparent – switch to draw all joint items as transparent solids.
  • Wireframe – switch to draw only the axial scheme of joint members.

Ribbon group Labels is used to draw load effects and labels:

  • Members – switch on/off drawing of names of joint members.
  • Plates – switch on/off drawing of names of plates.
  • LCS – switch on/off drawing of local coordinate systems of members.

Manipulating 3D view

To set the 3D view point use the View cube tool in the right top corner of Main window.

Following commands in the left top edge of Main window can be used to modify the 3D view:

  • View home - set the default 3D view.
  • View Z – switch the view opposite the global Z-axis.
  • View Y – switch the view opposite the global Y-axis.
  • View X – switch the view opposite the global X-axis.
  • Share on Linkedin – post the current view content on Linkedin.
  • Share on Facebook – post the current view content on Facebook.

The units used by the application can be set by command Units in the backstage ribbon.

Magnitudes, for which the units can be set, are grouped into categories Main, Material and Results. The categories are displayed in the column on the left of the dialog. For the selected category the table of corresponding magnitudes is displayed. For each magnitude, which is listed in column Unit type, one of the available units can be set in the column Unit.

For each magnitude the number of digits to be displayed after decimal point can be set in the column Precision.

Style of numbers presentation can be set in Format column:

  • Decimal – display numbers in standard decimal format (“ ddd.ddd…”).
  • Scientific – display numbers in exponential format (" d.ddd…E+ddd").
  • Automatic – according to length of resulting string it is automatically chosen whether to use decimal or exponential format. In this mode value specified in Precision column means number of significant digits in the resulting string.
  • Imperial – display numbers in fractional format (only for imperial unit types).

Metric – loads default units settings for metric units system.

Imperial – loads default units settings for imperial units system.

Import - reads the units configuration from a file.

Export - saves the current units settings to a file.

Click Apply to apply the changes and to be used at next application start.

Use commands in backstage ribbon Project to work with project file:

  • New – create a new project.
  • Open – open an existing project (files with extension *.idea Connection or *.wsConnection).
  • Save – save the current project into the data file.
  • Save as – save the current project into the data file using a new file name.
  • Information - open page with project information and joints in project table.
  • About – open the About application dialog.
  • Units – open page for units settings.
  • Preferences – open a dialog to set the application language or the logo for printed reports.
  • Licences – launch Licence manager application
  • Close – close the current project.
  • Exit – close the application.

Starting new project

Click New in backstage ribbon Project to create a new project. Wizard New project appears.

Dialog New joint wizard options:

  • Class - list contains classes of joints, which can be designed. Select the appropriate joint class.
  • Topology - list contains basic topologies available for the current joint class. Select the appropriate topology.
  • Design - list contains predefined joint designs available for the current joint topology. Select the appropriate design.
  • Name – input the joint name.
  • Description – input the joint description.
  • Steel grade – select the default steel material. Click to select the material from the system library.
  • Bolt assembly – select the default bolt assembly. Click to select the bolt assembly from the system library.
  • Concrete grade – select the default concrete material. Click to select the material from the system library.
  • Code – select national code for design and check of connections.
  • Create project - click to generate joint data respecting the current wizard settings.

The current drawing in 3D window can be stored into a pictures gallery. The gallery pictures can be printed in the calculation report.

Commands in ribbon group Pictures can be used to work with pictures gallery.

  • New – add a new picture to the gallery. Dialog Gallery appears. The target folder must be selected in the tree control in the left part of dialog. The picture is stored into the selected folder. Name of picture can be modified.
  • Gallery – start pictures manager.

Pictures manager

Pictures manager is used to manage pictures in the gallery. The pictures gallery is common for all joints in the current project.

Single joint, for which the pictures are displayed, can be selected in the combo box Filter.

The pictures gallery structure (with respect to the filter settings) is displayed in the left part of the dialog. Details of selected picture are displayed in the right part of dialog.

Following actions can be performed in the templates manager:

  • Create new folder – by command New folder… in the main menu to create new folder in the root folder or in the current subfolder.
  • Rename folder – by command Edit in the context menu by right mouse click above the required folder.
  • Move folder – drag and drop selected folder(s) to the required target folder.
  • Remove folder (s) – by command Delete in the context menu by right mouse click above the selected folder (s). The folder is removed including all subfolders and all pictures in removed folders and subfolders.
  • Edit picture name – picture name of selected picture is displayed in the right part of the dialog. The picture name can be modified.
  • Move picture – drag and drop selected picture(s) by mouse to the required target folder.
  • Delete picture(s) – by command Delete in the context menu by right mouse click above the selected picture.

The joint is defined by:

Individual joint data are defined using commands in ribbon group New of ribbon Design:

  • Member - add new member to the current joint.
  • Load - add new load effect to the current joint.
  • Operation - add new operation to the current joint.

Joint geometry

Click ribbon tab Design to define the geometry of joint. Individual 1D members with cross-sections and spatial positions are defined.

3D view of the current joint is drawn in the main window.

Table of current member properties is displayed in the data window. To select the current member click the member name in the members list or pick the member in 3D joint drawing.

More members can be connected in one joint.

For stress and strain analysis and buckling analysis one of the members must be set as the Bearing member – support is applied to this member in the analysis model.

For stiffness analysis one of the members must be set as the Analysed member – stiffness of this member is analysed, in the analysis model supports are applied to all other members.

Joint members are listed in the Members list at the right edge of 3D view. Context menu above the member name contains following commands:

  • Copy - create copy of the current member.
  • Delete - delete the current member.
  • Set bearing - set the current joint member as a bearing member for Stress/Strain joint analysis type.
  • Set analysed - set the current joint member as an analysed member for Stiffness joint analysis type.
  • Rename – change the name of the current member. The name of bearing (analysed) member is highlighted.

The properties table is displayed for the current member.

Commands above the member properties table:

  • Set bearing - set the current joint member as a bearing member for Stress/Strain joint analysis type.
  • Set analysed - set the current joint member as an analysed member for Stiffness joint analysis type.
  • Copy - create copy of the current member.
  • Delete - delete the current member.

Group Properties:

  • Cross-section - assign the selected cross-section to the member. Cross-section can be selected from the list of all available cross-sections. Click to change cross-section parameters.

Click to add a new cross-section and assign it to the appropriate member.

  • Mirror Y – if selected, the cross-section of member is mirrored according to plane XY of local coordinate system of member.
  • Mirror Z – if selected, the cross-section of member is mirrored according to plane XZ of local coordinate system of member.
  • Geometrical type – select the geometrical model of member:
  • Continuous – the member is continuous – it means that the mid of the member is placed into the theoretical centre of joint.
  • Ended – the end of the member is placed into the theoretical centre of joint.

Group Position:

  • β – direction – input the rotation of member about Z-axis of global coordinate system (the direction of member in global XY-plane).
  • γ – pitch – input the angle between the member x-axis and the XY-plane of global coordinate system.
  • α – rotation – input the rotation of the member about the local x-axis of the member.
  • Offset ex – input of offset (eccentricity) of the current member in the direction of x-axis of local coordinate system of the member.
  • Offset ey – input of offset (eccentricity) of the current member in the direction of y-axis of local coordinate system of the member.
  • Offset ez – input of offset (eccentricity) of the current member in the direction of z-axis of local coordinate system of the member.

Group Model:

  • Model type – select the physical model of the member:
  • N – member can transfer forces only in the direction of local x-axis – normal force N.
  • N-Vz-My – member can transfer forces only in xz -plane of local axes – normal force N, shear force Vz, bending moment My.
  • N-Vy-Mz – member can transfer forces only in xy -plane of local axes – normal force N, shear force Vy, bending moment Mz.
  • N-Vy-Vz-Mx-My-Mz – member can transfer forces in all directions.
  • Forces in – select point, to which internal forces actions are defined:
  • Node –internal forces are defined in the beginning node of joint.
  • Bolts – internal forces are defined in the centroid of bolt pattern.
  • Position – internal forces are defined in the X - position:
  • X - input of distance of force from the beginning of joint.

Group Stiffness analysis (for Stiffness joint analysis type):

  • Theoretical length My – input of theoretical length for stiffness classification.
  • Theoretical length Mz – input of theoretical length for stiffness classification.

Adding new member

New member can be added into the joint using following commands:

  • Member in ribbon group New
  • New member in the context menu above the Members caption in 3D view

Load effects

Click ribbon tab Design to input values of load effects (internal forces) in the joint.

The joint is loaded by load effects (internal forces) acting on individual members of joint. The load effects are assigned to groups – load cases. More load cases can be defined in one joint. The calculation and check is performed separately per each defined load case.

Load effects may be defined in one of following modes:

  • Complete input of load effects on all members. Load effects equilibrium is checked.
  • Limited input only on connected members. Load effect cannot be defined on bearing member. Bearing member is fully supported, continuous member is supported on ends.

The mode of load effects definition can be selected in ribbon group Options.

Load effects can be also imported/exported from/to Microsoft excel table or imported from another IDEA StatiCa Connection project using commands in ribbon group Import/Export loads.

3D view of joint is displayed in the main window.

To select the current load case click the load case name in the load cases list or pick the load case in joint drawing.

Defined load cases are listed in the Load effects list at the right edge of 3D view. Context menu above the load effect name contains following commands:

  • Copy - create copy of the current load effect.
  • Delete - delete the current load effect.
  • Rename – change the name of the current load effect.

Properties table of current load is displayed in the data window.

Commands above the load effects table:

  • Copy - copy the current load effect
  • Delete - delete the current load effect from the joint.

Values of internal forces on ends of individual members are defined in the internal forces table.

Columns in the internal forces table:

  • Member – name of member is displayed.
  • N – input of axial force in the direction of x-axis of the member local coordinate system.
  • Vy – input of shear force in the direction of y-axis of the member local coordinate system.
  • Vz – input of shear force in the direction of z-axis of the member local coordinate system.
  • Mx – input of torsional moment about x-axis of the member local coordinate system.
  • My – input of bending moment about y-axis of the member local coordinate system.
  • Mz – input of bending moment about z-axis of the member local coordinate system.

Adding new load effect

New load effect can be added into the joint using following commands:

  • Load in ribbon group New
  • New load in the context menu above the Load effects caption in 3D view

Ribbon group Import/Export loads

  • XLS Import – display enhanced table to input internal forces. Values can be copied from Microsoft Excel sheet to the enhanced table.
  • Connection Import – displays dialog to select an existing IDEA Connection project. If the project contains more than one joint, dialog to select joint, from which the loads will be imported, is displayed. Loads can be imported only from source joint, which is of the same topology as the target joint.
  • XLS Export – store defined internal forces into the CSV format text file.

Import of loads from Microsoft Excel table

To import loads from Microsoft Excel table click Import from XLS in ribbon Import/Export loads.

Range of cells copied from Microsoft Excel sheet to the clipboard is pasted to the table Import of load effect in such way that the first cell of copied range is pasted to the selected cell in the table.

If number of rows of copied range is greater than the number of rows in the Import of load effects table, new load cases are added automatically to the table.

Load values from row selected in Order of loads list can be moved to other row clicking arrow icons

If Replace existing loads is selected, the imported load cases replace the existing load cases in the current joint, otherwise the imported load cases are added into the current joint as new load cases.

Ribbon group Options

  • Check equilibrium – switch on/off the mode of check of equilibrium of defined load effects. If the option is selected, the load effects can be defined on all joint members and the equilibrium of effects is checked. Otherwise load effects cannot be defined on bearing member, but only on connected members.
  • LRFD - switch the design of AISC project to LRFD.
  • ASD - switch the design of AISC project to ASD.

Joint design and manufacturing operations

The joint design consists of several manufacturing operations, which modify the shape of members and create additional items required for proper joint check (cuts, end plates, stiffeners, bolts, anchors etc.). Click ribbon tab Design to design the joint.

3D view of joint is displayed in the main window.

Defined manufacturing operations are listed in the Operations list at the right edge of 3D view.

To select the current manufacturing operation click the operation name in the operations list or pick the operation in joint drawing.

Context menu above the operation name contains following commands:

  • Copy - create copy of the current manufacturing operation.
  • Delete - delete the current manufacturing operation.
  • Rename – change the name of the current manufacturing operation.

The table of properties is displayed for the current manufacturing operation .

Commands above the manufacturing operation properties table:

  • Editor – launch plates editor. This command is available only for operations, which create plates.
  • Copy - create copy of the current manufacturing operation.
  • Delete - delete the current manufacturing operation.

Adding new manufacturing operation

New manufacturing operation can be added into the joint using following commands:

  • Operation in ribbon group New
  • New operation in the context menu above the Operations caption in 3D view

Then click picture of required operation in the Select operation dialog.

Following manufacturing operations are available:


Manufacturing operation Cut modifies ends of members.

Properties of manufacturing operation Cut:

Properties group Cut by member:

  • Member – select member to be modified by cut. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • Cut by – select member, plate or work plane, according to which the cut is performed. Click to select the item in 3D view by mouse. To select type of item, according to which the cut is performed, select one of the following icons:

– cut is performed according to selected member.

– cut is performed according to selected existing plate (e.g. end plate).


– cut is performed according to selected work plane.

  • Cutting method – select method to be used for cut:
  • Bounding box – cut is performed using plane passing edge of bounding box of cutting cross-section.
  • Surface – notches according to surfaces of cutting cross-sections are created into surfaces of cut section (intersection of surfaces).
  • Mitre cut – ends of both members are cut by plane going through axis of angle between members. Welds in the plane of cut must be defined as general if the cut parts are not identical.
  • Cutting plane – select the plane, according to which the cut is performed. The plane position is referred to the beginning of modified member:
  • C - Closer – cut is performed using the plane closer to the beginning of the modified member.
  • F - Farther – cut is performed using the plane farther from the beginning of the modified member.
  • Direction – select the direction of cut:
  • Parallel – cut is parallel to edges of cutting member (Cut by).
  • Perpendicular – cut is parallel to the axis of the member, on which is the cut applied (Member).
  • Offset – input the distance between the cut and the cutting plane.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • Flanges – properties of welds on flanges of connected member.
  • Webs – properties of welds on webs of connected member.

Knee connection cut.
First Cut operation is applied on column C and cuts the column according to farther edge of beam B. Second Cut operation is applied on beam B and is cuts the beam according to closer edge of column C.

Cut of bracing.
Operation End plate is applied on beam B1. The operation connects beam B1 to column C using a bolted end plate.
First Cut operation is applied on the diagonal D1 and the diagonal is cut by end plate EP1.
Second Cut operation is also applied on diagonal D1 and the diagonal is cut by beam B1.

Cut by surface.
Operation Cut is applied on beam B, which is performed according the surface of column C (the cut is intersection of solids).


Manufacturing operation Stiffener adds “vertical” stiffeners into the beam, stiffeners into the knee connections or stiffeners to circular tubes.

Properties of manufacturing operation Stiffener:

  • M – on member – select member to apply the stiffener on. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • R – related to – select member, to which the stiffener is also related. The “Related to” member is required to define the direction of stiffener in frame knee. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.

Position – select position of stiffener in knee connection:

  • Upper – stiffener is positioned to the upper edge of cross-section of “Related to” member.
  • Lower – stiffener is positioned to the lower edge of cross-section of “Related to” member.
  • Both – stiffeners are positioned to both edges of cross-section of “Related to” member.
  • Centre – stiffener is positioned to the centre of height of cross-section of “Related to” member.
  • Material – select material of stiffener. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of stiffener. Value 0 means, that the plate thickness is determined according to the cross-section. Click to select predefined thickness from library.

Location – select side location of stiffener:

  • Both – stiffener is located on both sides of modified member.
  • Front – stiffener is located on one side of modified member.
  • Rear – stiffener is located on the other side of modified member.
  • X – position – input of plate position related to the beginning of modified member or to origin according to defined position of stiffener to the “Related to” member.

Properties for I-profiles:

  • α – inclination – input of stiffener inclination related to the axis of modified member.
  • B – width – input of stiffener width. Value 0 means, that the width is determined automatically according to the cross-section of modified member.
  • Offset top – input of offset of top edge of stiffener from the flange of member. The stiffener edge with nonzero offset is not welded to cross-section flange.
  • Offset bottom – input of offset of bottom edge of stiffener from the flange of member. The stiffener edge with nonzero offset is not welded to cross-section flange.
  • Chamfered corners – switch on/off chamfers of stiffener corners (between flange and web of modified member).
  • Chamfer cut size – input the length of cut along edges (from the corner). Value 0 means, that the length of cut is determined automatically according to the cross-section (only for rolled sections).

Properties for tubes:

  • Cap plate – switch on/off application of lid on the end of member (also for RHS).
  • Cap plate offset – input value of offset between the lid and the cross-section outline.
  • Shape – select shape of tube-section stiffener:
  • Circle – outer circular stiffener is applied on tube section:
  • Diameter – input of outer diameter of circular stiffener.
  • Rectangle – outer rectangular stiffener is applied on tube section:
  • Width – input width of rectangular stiffener.
  • Height – input height of rectangular stiffener.
  • Profile – internal stiffener is applied into the member according to the internal outline of the cross-section.
  • Repeat count – input of count of repeated stiffeners.
  • X1 – delta x – input of distance between repeated stiffeners.
  • Gap – input of distance between stiffener edges and edges of cross-section of modified member. The stiffener is welded to cross-section in the gap area.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • All welds – properties of all stiffener welds.

Stiffener of the knee connection.
First manufacturing operation Cut is defined on member C, to cut the column according to the farther edge of beam B.
Second manufacturing operation Cut is defined on beam B, to cut the beam B according to the closer edge of column C.
Manufacturing operation Stiffener is defined on column C. The stiffener is related also to the beam B – to respect the inclination of beam B.

Stiffeners on beam.
Manufacturing operation Stiffener is defined on beam B. The stiffener is both-sided and repeated along the beam.

Stiffener on tube.
Manufacturing operation Stiffener is applied on beam C. The stiffener is circular, repeated in regular distances.


Manufacturing operation Widener adds plates to widen flanges or webs of member.

Properties of manufacturing operation Widener:

  • M – on member – select member to apply the widener on. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • R – related to – select member, to which the widener is also related. Widener can be related to member or plate. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse. To select type of connection part, to which is the widener also related, click one of following icons:

– the widener is related to other existing member.

– the widener is related to existing plate.

  • Material – select material of widener. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of widener. Value 0 means, that the plate thickness is determined according to the cross-section. Click to select predefined thickness from library.

Cross-section parts – select the cross-section part, on which the widener is applied:

  • All parts – widener is applied on all flanges and webs of cross-section of modified member.
  • Flanges – widener is applied on all flanges of cross-section of modified member.
  • Bottom flange – widener is applied on bottom flange of cross-section of modified member.
  • Top flange – widener is applied on top flange of cross-section of modified member.
  • Webs – widener is applied on webs of cross-section of modified member.
  • Location – side location of widener:
  • Front – widener is applied on one side of selected cross-section part.
  • Rear – widener is applied on the other side of selected cross-section part.
  • Both – widener is applied on both sides of selected cross-section part.
  • B – width – input width of widener (length on “Related to” member).
  • H – height – input height of widener (length on modified member).
  • Shape – select shape of widener:
  • Rectangular – the widener is rectangular.
  • Triangular – the widener is triangular.
  • Chamfered – the widener is rectangular with chamfered corners. The chamfer dimensions are defined by:
  • D1 – input chamfer length along “Related to” member.
  • D2 – input chamfer length along modified member.
  • Triangular with flange – the widener is rectangular with welded flange. The widener flange is defined by:
  • TF – flange thickness – input thickness of widener flange.
  • BF – flange width – input width of widener flange.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • All welds – properties of all welds of widener.

Column flanges wideners.
Manufacturing operation Base plate is applied on column COL to create bas plate, concrete block and anchors.
Manufacturing operation Widener is applied on column COL. The operation creates widening plates, which are welded to column COL. The widener is also related to the connection item of Plate type – base plate BP1. Widener plate is cut according to and welded to the selected “Related to” member.

Web widener in knee connection.
Manufacturing operation Widener is applied on the beam B. The operation creates plate welded to beam B. Widener is also related to the connection item of type Beam – column C. The widener plate is cut according to column C and is welded to the column.


Manufacturing operation Rib adds plates perpendicular to flanges or webs of member.

Properties of manufacturing operation Rib:

  • M – on member – select member to apply the rib on. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • R – related to – select member, to which the rib is also related. Rib can be related to member or plate. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse. To select type of item, to which the rib is also related, select one of the following icons

– the rib is related to other existing member.

– the rib is related to existing plate.

  • Material – select material of rib. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of rib. Value 0 means, that the plate thickness is determined according to the cross-section. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • B – width – input width of rib (length on “Related to” member).
  • H – depth – input depth of rib (length on modified member).
  • Shape – select shape of rib:
  • Rectangular – the rib is rectangular.
  • Triangular – the rib is triangular.
  • Chamfered – the rib is rectangular with chamfered corners. The chamfer dimensions are defined by:
  • D1 – input chamfer length along “Related to” member.
  • D2 – input chamfer length along modified member.

Properties for opened profiles:

  • Cross-section parts – select the cross-section part, on which the rib is applied:
  • Bottom flange – rib is applied on bottom flange of cross-section of modified member.
  • Top flange – rib is applied on top flange of cross-section of modified member.
  • Webs – rib is applied on webs of cross-section of modified member.
  • Surface – select the surface, on which the rib is applied:
  • Upper – rib is applied on the upper surface of selected cross-section part.
  • Lower – rib is applied on the lower surface of selected cross-section part.
  • Both – rib is applied on both surfaces of selected cross-section part.
  • Location – select side, on which the rib is applied:
  • Both – rib is applied on both sides of selected cross-section part.
  • Front – rib is applied on one side of selected cross-section part.
  • Rear – rib is applied on the other side of selected cross-section part.
  • Centre – rib is applied to the centre of selected cross-section part.
  • X – position – input the rib position related to the selected side.
  • Repeat count – input total number of ribs (for input on individual sides of selected cross-section part) or number of intermediate ribs (for input on both sides of selected cross-section part).
  • X1 – delta – input spacing between ribs (for input on individual sides of selected cross-section part). The spacing is determined automatically for input on both sides of selected cross-section part.
  • Add first – switch on/off applying of the first and the last rib in row when applying rib on both sides of selected cross-section part.

Properties for circular sections:

  • Radial position – input position (angle) of first rib.
  • Angle – input angle of sector, where radial ribs are generated (angular position of the last rib related to the first rib).
  • Division – number of angular segments to divide the sector to.
  • Last rib – switch on/off application of the last rib.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • All welds – properties of all welds of rib.

Ribs on beam flange.
Manufacturing operation Cut is applied on beam B to cut beam B according to the closer edge of column C.
Manufacturing operation Rib is applied on beam B. The operation creates plates welded on all sides of lower part of bottom flange of column B. The rib is also related to the connection item of type Beam - column C. Rib plates are cut according to the column C and are welded to the column.

Ribs on tube.
Manufacturing operation Base plate is applied on column COL. The operation creates plate, anchors and concrete block on the beam beginning.
Manufacturing operation Rib is applied on column COL. The operation creates plates welded both to the column and to the base plate in regular distances around the whole outline surface of column.


Manufacturing operation Opening creates an opening, notch or dog-bone into the selected part of cross-section.

Properties of manufacturing operation Opening:

  • Cross-section part – select member and the cross-section part, on which the opening is applied.Click to select the member part in 3D view by mouse.

Shape – select shape of opening:

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • All welds – properties of all welds of opening stiffener.

Properties of rectangular opening

  • B – width – input width of rectangular opening.
  • H – height – input height of rectangular opening.
  • D – diameter – input diameter of circular opening.
  • Rounding radius – input radius of rounding of rectangular opening corners.
  • X – position – input distance between centre of opening and edge of selected part of cross-section (respecting cuts) or the common point of connection for continuous members.
  • E – eccentricity – input distance between centre of opening and member axis.
  • Rotation – input value of opening rotation about the centre of opening.
  • Stiffener – switch on/off stiffener (flange) around the opening edges.
  • Thickness – input thickness of opening stiffener. Value 0 means, that the thickness is determined automatically.
  • Width – input width of opening stiffener.

Properties of polygonal opening

  • N – sides – input number of sides of n-gon.
  • D – diameter – input diameter of circle circumscribed to the polygon.
  • X – position – input distance between centre of opening and edge of selected part of cross-section (respecting cuts) or the common point of connection for continuous members.
  • E – eccentricity – input distance between centre of opening and member axis.
  • Rotation – input value of opening rotation about the centre of opening.
  • Stiffener – switch on/off stiffener (flange) around the opening edges.
  • Thickness – input thickness of opening stiffener. Value 0 means, that the thickness is determined automatically.
  • Width – input width of opening stiffener.

Properties of circular opening

  • D – diameter – input diameter of circular arc.
  • X – position – input distance between centre of opening and edge of selected part of cross-section (respecting cuts) or the common point of connection for continuous members.
  • E – eccentricity – input distance between centre of opening and member axis.
  • Stiffener – switch on/off stiffener (flange) around the opening edges.
  • Thickness – input thickness of opening stiffener. Value 0 means, that the thickness is determined automatically.
  • Width – input width of opening stiffener.

Properties of notch

  • Location – select side, on which the notch is applied:
  • Both – notch is applied on both sides of selected cross-section part.
  • Front – notch is applied on one side of selected cross-section part.
  • Rear – notch is applied on the other side of selected cross-section part
  • B, B1 - width – input length of notch (in the member axis direction) and length of sloped part along the length of notch. Input values are separated by space.
  • H, H1 - height – input height (depth) of notch (in the direction perpendicular to the member axis direction) and length of sloped part along the height of notch. Input values are separated by space.
  • Rounding radius – input rounding radius of notch corner.

Properties of dog bone

  • Location – select side, on which the dog bone is applied:
  • Both – dog bone is applied on both sides of selected cross-section part.
  • Front – dog bone is applied on one side of selected cross-section part.
  • Rear – dog bone is applied on the other side of selected cross-section part
  • B, B1 - width – input length of dog bone (in the member axis direction) and length of sloped part along the length of dog bone. Input values are separated by space.
  • H - height – input height (depth) of dog bone (in the direction perpendicular to the member axis direction).
  • X – position – input distance between centre of dog bone and edge of selected part of cross-section (respecting cuts) or the common point of connection for continuous members.

Properties of arched dog bone

  • Location – select side, on which the dog bone arch is applied:
  • Both – dog bone arch is applied on both sides of selected cross-section part.
  • Front –dog bone arch is applied on one side of selected cross-section part.
  • Rear –dog bone arch is applied on the other side of selected cross-section part
  • B, B1 - width – input length of dog bone arc (in the member axis direction).
  • H - height – input height (depth) of dog bone arc (in the direction perpendicular to the member axis direction).
  • X – position – input distance between centre of dog bone arc and edge of selected part of cross-section (respecting cuts) or the common point of connection for continuous members.

Opening in web.
Manufacturing operation Cut is applied on beam B to cut beam B according to the closer edge of column C.
Manufacturing operation Opening is applied on beam B to create circular opening in web of beam B. The circular opening is stiffened.

Notch on the web.
Manufacturing operation Opening of type Notch is applied on beam B to reduce the height of web of beam B.

Dog bone.
Manufacturing operation Opening of type Dog bone is applied on top flange of beam B to reduce the width of the flange.
Manufacturing operation Opening of type Dog bone arc is applied on bottom flange of beam B to reduce the width of the flange.

Plate to plate

Manufacturing operation Plate to plate connects two consequent members using end plates.

Properties of manufacturing operation Plate to plate:

  • Member 1 – select first member to be connected. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • Member 2 – select second member to be connected. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • X – position – input position of plate-to-plate connection from the beginning of connected member.
  • Material – select material of plates. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of end plates. Click to select predefined thickness from library.

Connection type – select the type of connection between Member 1 and Member 2:

  • Bolted – the connection is bolted using two end plates.
  • Welded – the connection is welded, both beams are connected using one common end plate.
  • Dimensions – select mode to determine the end plate dimensions:
  • To profile – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top, bottom, left and right most outer edge of cross-section.
  • To profile symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top and left most outer edge of cross-section.
  • Rectangle – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top, bottom, left and right plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Rectangle symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top and left plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Circle – circular plate dimension is defined by outer radius and radius of opening.
  • T – Top – input offset of top plate edge from most outer top cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • L – Left – input offset of left plate edge from most outer left cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • B – Bottom – input offset of bottom plate edge from most outer bottom cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • R – Right – input offset of right plate edge from most outer right cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • Radius – input outer radius of circular end plate.
  • Inner radius – input radius of opening in circular end plate.

Property group Bolts – definition of bolts in connection – see Input of bolts by layers.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • Flanges – properties of welds on flanges of connected member.
  • Webs – properties of welds on webs of connected member.

Bolted plate to plate connection.
Manufacturing operation Plate to plate is applied on beam B1. The operation creates end plate welded to beam B1. The second member processed by this operation is beam B2 – operation creates end plate welded to beam B2. End plates are bolted together by bolts assembly.

Welded plate to plate connection.
Manufacturing operation Plate to plate is applied on beam B1. The operation creates end plate welded to beam B1. The second member processed by this operation is beam B2. Because the connection is welded, beam B2 is welded to the end plate on beam B1.

End plate

Manufacturing operation End plate connects member using end plate to the flange or web of another member.

Properties of manufacturing operation End plate:

  • Member 1 – select first member to be connected by end plate to the “Connected to” member. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • Member 2 – select second member to be connected by end plate to the “Connected to” member. If Member 1 and Member 2 are opposite and connected to the same part of “Connected to” member, one common bolt assembly is used. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • Connected to – select member, to which Member 1 and Member 2 are connected by end plate. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse. To select type of connection part, to which Member 1 or Member 2 are connected using the end plate(s), click one of following icons:

– members are connected to another member.

– members are connected to plate.

  • Material – select material of end plate. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of end plate. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • Connection type – select the type of connection between end plate and “Connected to” member:
  • Bolted – end plate is bolted to the “Connected to” member.
  • Welded – end plate is welded to the Connected to” member.
  • Dimensions – select mode to determine the end plate dimensions:
  • To profile – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top, bottom, left and right most outer edge of cross-section.
  • To profile symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top and left most outer edge of cross-section.
  • Rectangle – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top, bottom, left and right plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Rectangle symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top and left plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Circle – circular plate dimension is defined by outer radius and radius of opening.
  • T – Top – input offset of top plate edge from most outer top cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • L – Left – input offset of left plate edge from most outer left cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • B – Bottom – input offset of bottom plate edge from most outer bottom cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • R – Right – input offset of right plate edge from most outer right cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • Radius – input outer radius of circular end plate.
  • Inner radius – input radius of opening in circular end plate.
  • Notch – switch on/off generation of flange (and web) notch in case the flanges of connected member are aligned to flanges of “Connected to” member and the flanges are in collision.
  • Notch offset – input distance between edges of plates in notched area.

Properties group Backing plate – definition of backing plate at nuts:

  • Create backing plate – switch on/off application of backing plate between the adjacent cross-section part and nuts.
  • Thickness – input thickness of backing plate. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • Offset from plate – input distance between edge of backing plate and edge of crossing plates – e.g. web.
  • Top offset – input distance between top edge of backing plate and top edge of corresponding end plate.
  • Bottom offset – input distance between bottom edge of backing plate and bottom edge of corresponding end plate.

Properties group Bolts – see Input of bolts by layers.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • Flanges – properties of welds on flanges of connected member.
  • Webs – properties of welds on webs of connected member.

End plate on the column flange.
Manufacturing operation End plate is applied on the beam B. The operation creates end plate welded to the beam B. The operation is also related to the column C – end plate is bolted to the flange of column C by bolts assembly.

End plates on the column web.
Manufacturing operation End plate is applied on the beam B1. The operation creates end plate welded to the beam B1.
The second member processed by the operation is beam B2 – the operation creates end plate welded to the beam B2. The operation is also related to the column C – both end plates are bolted to the web of column C by the same bolts assembly.

End plate on beam web.
Manufacturing operation End plate is applied on the beam B1. The operation creates end plate welded to the beam B1. Because upper flanges of beams are aligned to each other, beam B1 is modified by notch.
The operation is also related to the beam B – end plate is bolted to the web of beam B by bolts assembly.

Shifted end plate

Manufacturing operation Shifted end plate connects member using end plate across the flanges of another member.

Properties of manufacturing operation Shifted end plate:

  • Member – select member to be connected by shifted end plate to the “Connected to” member. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • Connected to – select member, to which the Member is connected by shifted end plate. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • Material – select material of shifted end plate. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of shifted end plate. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • Connection type – select the connection type:
  • Bolted – the connection contains two end plates – one is welded to flanges of “Connected to” member, second is welded to the end of connected member. Both end plates are connected by bolts assembly.
  • Welded – connection contains only one end plate, which is welded both to flanges of “Connected to” member and to the end of connected member.
  • Dimensions – select mode to determine the shifted end plate dimensions:
  • To profile – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top, bottom, left and right most outer edge of cross-section.
  • To profile symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top and left most outer edge of cross-section.
  • Rectangle – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top, bottom, left and right plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Rectangle symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top and left plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Height automatically – if the option is selected, the height of end plates is calculated automatically according to the height of “Connected to” member and only width of plates can be defined. If the option is not selected, the both height and width of end plate can be defined.
  • T – Top – input offset of top plate edge from most outer top cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • L – Left – input offset of left plate edge from most outer left cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • B – Bottom – input offset of bottom plate edge from most outer bottom cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • R – Right – input offset of right plate edge from most outer right cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.

Properties group Beam endplate – input parameters of end plate on connected beam:

  • Thickness – input thickness of end plate on connected beam. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • Dimensions – select mode to determine dimensions of end plate on connected beam:
  • Identical – dimensions of end plate on connected beam are identical to dimensions of shifted end plate.
  • To profile symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top and left most outer edge of cross-section.
  • Rectangle – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top, bottom, left and right plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Rectangle symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top and left plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • T – Top – input offset of top plate edge from most outer top cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • L – Left – input offset of left plate edge from most outer left cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • B – Bottom – input offset of bottom plate edge from most outer bottom cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • R – Right – input offset of right plate edge from most outer right cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.

Properties group Stiffener – parameters of vertical stiffener under end plate:

  • Type – select type of stiffener:
  • None – no stiffener under end plate is applied.
  • Full – the height of stiffener under the end plate is equal to inner distance between flanges of “Connected to” member.
  • Partial – the height of stiffener under the end plate is equal to the height of the end plate.
  • Material –select material of stiffener. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of stiffener. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • Chamfered corners – switch on/off chamfers of stiffener corners (between flange and web of modified member).
  • Chamfer cut size – input the length of cut along edges (from the corner). Value 0 means, that the length of cut is determined automatically according to the cross-section (only for rolled sections).

Property group Bolts – see Input of bolts by layers.

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties – see Welds properties:

  • Flanges – properties of welds on flanges of connected member.
  • Webs – properties of welds on webs of connected member.
  • Plate – properties of weld between end plate and ‘Connected to’ member.
  • Stiffener – properties of weld between stiffener and ‘Connected to’ member.

Shifted end plate.
The manufacturing operation Shifted end plate is defined on beam B1. The operation creates end plate welded to the beam B1. The operation is also related to beam B – second end plate is welded on flanges of beam B (including the stiffener). Both end plates are bolted together by bolts assembly.


Manufacturing operation Stub creates a plate-to-plate connection on member and a part to be connected to another member (stub). To connect (weld) such member to another member manufacturing operation Cut must be applied on the member with stub.

Properties of manufacturing operation Stub:

  • Member – select member to apply the stub on. Click to select the member in 3D view by mouse.
  • X – position – input position of plate-to-plate connection from the beginning of modified member.
  • Material – select material of plates. Member material is taken as default. Click to add new material from system library to project.
  • Thickness – input thickness of end plates. Click to select predefined thickness from library.
  • Connection type – select the connection type:
  • Bolted – the connection is bolted using two end plates – one end plate is welded to the stub, second on the end of modified member. Plates are connected by bolts assembly.
  • Welded – the connection is welded. End plate is welded to the stub and to the end of modified member.
  • Dimensions – select mode to determine the end plate dimensions:
  • To profile – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top, bottom, left and right most outer edge of cross-section.
  • To profile symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by offset to top and left most outer edge of cross-section.
  • Rectangle – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top, bottom, left and right plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Rectangle symmetrical – plate dimensions are defined by distances of top and left plate edge from the centroid of member cross-section.
  • Circle – circular plate dimension is defined by outer radius and radius of opening.
  • T – Top – input offset of top plate edge from most outer top cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • L – Left – input offset of left plate edge from most outer left cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • B – Bottom – input offset of bottom plate edge from most outer bottom cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • R – Right – input offset of right plate edge from most outer right cross-section edge or centroid of cross-section.
  • Radius – input outer radius of circular end plate.
  • Inner radius – input radius of opening in circular end plate.

Property group Bolts – see Input of bolts by layers:

Properties group Welds – input of welds properties - Welds properties:

  • Flanges – properties of welds on flanges of connected member.
  • Webs – properties of welds on webs of connected member.

Properties group Stub – definition of stub:

  • Type - select type of stub:
  • None - stub is not generated.
  • From member - stub plates are generated according to the cross-section of connected member.
  • Selected - stub plates are generated according to selected cross-section: