Creating a complex anchorage using operations (EN)

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Learn how to use Connection to quickly design and code-check steel connections. We will show you how to create a model, and specify the geometry, loads, and manufacturing operations for a given design.

1 New project

Create a new project by selecting a starting template closest to the desired design, choose Eurocode as the design code, and the default steel material S 355.

2 Geometry

A column and a base plate with anchors were added as a part of the starting template and we can add a new member.

Change its cross-section to HEB 200.

And set the Pitch to 0°, and set the Offset ez to 200 mm.

Add another member the same way and change its cross-section to RHS120/80/8.

Change its Pitch to 45°, Offset ez to 100 mm, and set the Model type to N-Vy-Vz since this member is a tension/compression bracing diagonal with a pinned connection.

Check the geometry of all added members.

3 Load effects

One load effect LE1 was automatically created within the starting template. Input the values of internal forces for the added members (M2: Vz = -30 kN, My = 20 kNm; M3: N = -50 kN).

4 Design

The Base plate manufacturing operation was already added. Change to anchor type to M24 8.8.

Add a new manufacturing operation and select the End plate.

Modify the properties of the operation EP1. Set Member 1 to M2, then Connected to COL, the Top offset to 250 mm, and re-input the positions of the bolts (-50;50;200 /-30/-50/-30).

Now, add the Connecting plate manufacturing operation.

And redefine its properties - switch Member to M3, Relate to plate EP1, Related also to M2, gusset plate Depth to 250 mm, and connecting plate X - position to 600mm and Plate width to 100 mm.

Open the Editor for the Gusset plate CPL1a.

And add a Chamfer operation with Value 120 mm for the Selected corners 2.

Add the last manufacturing operation Stiffener.

Check the designed structural node with all connections.

5 Check

Start the CBFEM analysis by clicking Calculate command. After calculation, you can see the Overall check displayed with basic code-check results.

Go to the tab Check, and activate e.g. the Stress in concrete and Mesh in the ribbon to see detailed results. Open the tab Concrete block to see the code-check resulting values and all equations.

6 Report

Go to the tab Report. You can customize the type and content of the report and Refresh it, export it to DOC or PDF files or print it directly.

Sample files