Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel & Concrete 21.1

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Note: Connection Browser was renamed to Connection Library with version 23.0 (April, 2023).

IDEA StatiCa 21.1 is the second release of the year and brings more features than the spring one. What did we try to achieve with this version? We are pushing our BIM workflows to the next level, allowing engineers to design more in reinforced and prestressed concrete, and implement plenty of features for connection design we were asked to from around the world by you - our customers.

Enjoy and Calculate yesterday's estimates!

News for BIM

Reliable BIM workflows are key for effective project work. That is why we have invested in the massive upgrade of the "Code-Check Manager" application. We also gave it a better name: the Checkbot. This slick-looking application is the new hub of IDEA StatiCa workflows with 3rd party software boosting the productivity of engineers working with our BIM links.

IDEA StatiCa Checkbot gives you:

  • Complete control over your imported connections and members
  • Clear list of all imported items including status checked/not-checked
  • 3D visualization of imported members and loads
  • Conversion table for materials & cross-sections
  • Load combinations management

The Checkbot can be started from your 3rd party application or as a standalone app and enables you to combine inputs from multiple sources. Read more about the IDEA StatiCa Checkbot.

News for Concrete and Prestressing

Slender reinforced concrete columns are very sensitive to imperfections which puts extra pressure on engineers during the whole design-build cycle. IDEA StatiCa Member, equipped with a new GMNIA solver in version 21.1, provides a reliable tool for engineers who need to deliver clear and comprehensive design reports of slender columns. Read more about slender column design.

IDEA StatiCa Detail has proven to be a unique structural design tool for critical members and details in reinforced concrete structures. Version 21.1 expands IDEA StatiCa Detail to pre-stressed concrete as well. Engineers can now understand, design and code-check discontinuities in pre-cast members and details. This dramatically decreases the time needed to design pre-stressed beams, diaphragms, etc. Read more about designing prestressed discontinuity regions.

Other improvements in concrete and pre-stressing include:

News for Steel

IDEA StatiCa Connection is quickly becoming the standard choice for connection design worldwide. Version 21.1 brings various code-check and modeling improvements as well as a new approach to handle repetitive connection designs.

Connection Browser is here! This unique tool will help you find a suitable design solution from a library of predefined designs and apply them right away. The Connection Browser will work with three databases of steel connections. The first is the set defined by IDEA StatiCa in every installation. The second is the set of connection designs created and saved by each user. The third will be a company set of connections each of our customers can create and maintain (this will be released in one of the patches of version 21.1. coming out in a couple of weeks). Read more about the Connection Browser.

Connection design and analysis improvements:


Some outdated applications will be removed from the 21.1 install file. See the list of obsolete applications.

Solved incidents

See the current list of solved incidents reported by our customers.

Full Release notes

Below you can download the full version of Release notes for IDEA StatiCa version 21.1 in PDF.

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Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel & Concrete 22.0

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel & Concrete 21.0