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Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet

National code

Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet


1300 találat

Edge distance and the anchor check

Prestressed beam with openings (EN)

Parametric diaphragms templates

Why is 5% plastic strain limit used in material diagram for EN?

Code and calculation settings in RCS

How to create a report according to your needs in RCS application

Design member for the reinforced concrete in the RCS application

Section and member types in the RCS application

Import/export cross-section, reinforcement, and tendons in RCS

Second-order effects in RCS application

SLS results in RCS - Stress Limitation, Crack Width, Detailing

Shear in RCS - circular cross-sections

ULS results in RCS - Capacity N-M-M, Shear, Torsion, Interaction, Response N-M-M

Why the check for fatigue or brittle failure is not performed?

Vestigial resistance

RCS - Action stages

Plane of strains on the composite section

How to work with templates