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Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet

National code

Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet


62 találat

Bracket Plate Connections (AISC)

Verification of IDEA StatiCa calculations for steel connection design (AISC)

Chevron Brace Connection in a braced frame (AISC)

Brace Connection at beam-column connection in a braced frame (AISC)

Weld / Welds in IDEA StatiCa

Weld size differences between EC and AISC (CISC) codes

Check welds of welded sections

Edge indexing in Member and Connection models

Benchmark study of a bolted flange plate moment connection (AISC)

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 7.0

Section model view – drawings (“sketches”)

Butt welds upgraded model

Check of missing welds

Import of recommended welds

Weld size and length

Detailing of bolts and welds (AISC)

Code-check of welds (AISC)

Welded splice connection (AISC)

Code-check of welds according to Canadian standards

Welds & Bolts in IDEA StatiCa (AISC)