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Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet

National code

Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet


887 találat

SCIA Engineer BIM link for steel Member design (EN)

AxisVM BIM link for steel Member design (EN)

Edge distance and the anchor check

Prestressed beam with openings (EN)

Why is 5% plastic strain limit used in material diagram for EN?

Code and calculation settings in RCS

How to create a report according to your needs in RCS application

Design member for the reinforced concrete in the RCS application

Section and member types in the RCS application

Import/export cross-section, reinforcement, and tendons in RCS

Second-order effects in RCS application

SLS results in RCS - Stress Limitation, Crack Width, Detailing

Shear in RCS - circular cross-sections

ULS results in RCS - Capacity N-M-M, Shear, Torsion, Interaction, Response N-M-M

Why the check for fatigue or brittle failure is not performed?

Vestigial resistance

RCS - Action stages

Plane of strains on the composite section

How to work with templates